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Bart Bagalzby and the Garbage Genie (2025)
Bart Bagalzby and the Garbage Genie (2025)
Rated: 6.4out of 10 with 12 votes.
Set in 1999, in a typical suburban town, Bart Bagalzby is a high school kid who wants to be more popular. His best friends are a diverse group of not-so-cool kids and geeks. Bart is interested in Grace, one of the school's most popular girls, and he thinks if he becomes a rock star, Grace might finally notice him. While Bart is tossing out the garbage at his part-time job, a very unconventional Genie emerges from the garbage can, rewarding Bart with three wishes. But after several missteps and some failed magic, Bart's plans start losing steam. Finally, Bart finds his own inner magic, and he and his friends become an amazing rock band playing all of their own tunes.